Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm guessing Sandoval... or maybe Peskin...

Looooove this item in SFist...

We came across this wonderful blind item over at ValleyWag (via Overheard in the Office). It seems that someone on the Board of Supes doesn't know the difference between a placeholder name and their signature, euphemistically. Do you know who it was? We're going to go ahead sweepingly generalize that it was either Ammiano or Dufty, because gays only care about little boys and baggies, shiny objects, and unicorns.

Council member: I heard you need my John Doe on something.

Clerk: I need your signature on some documents.

Council member: Yeah, my John Doe.

Clerk, laughing: You mean your John Hancock -- John Doe is an anonymous dead body. [Council member looks puzzled.] John Hancock has the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence -- that's where the term comes from.

Council member: Oh.

Who's your guess? There's so many to choose from!

Tomorrow: I comment on SF's decision to give I.D.s to illegal aliens. I need to sleep now on simmer... I should get to the boiling point by morning!

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