Thursday, April 16, 2009

This Just In: Jeanene Garofalo is a CUNT

Ugly, bitter, has-been Jeanene Garofalo spews more racist hatred on Olbermann.

Bitch still thinks she's funny. But I guess we can remove the "still" - seeing that she was never funny.

What motivates a person like Garofalo to scream "racist" at anyone who dares object to her God Obama? Doctor Zero - a commenter on Hot Air (from whence the video cometh) sums it up...

In my opinion…liberals very much dislike THEMSELVES…it is the only plausible explanation for their behavior

winston on April 16, 2009 at 10:19 PM

It’s a little more complicated than that, from my experiences with liberal intellectuals. They begin from the premise of multiculturalism, the unshakeable belief that all cultures are equally valuable, accomplished, and advanced. This is a bedrock liberal belief - all of them embrace, and will angrily defend, this article of faith, and consider anyone who challenges it to be sinister and evil.

Since the West is considerably more accomplished and advanced than other cultures, it is necessary to denigrate the West to satisfy the requirements of multiculturalism. You can only ignore so much poverty and corruption in South America, so many gulags in the defunct Communist sphere, so many Rwandan genocides and barbaric Middle Eastern sewer states - and believe me, they try very hard to ignore these things as long as they can. But eventually, every liberal is confronted with the uncomfortable, demonstrable truth that the West - despite its imperfections - is far ahead of the dark and bloody world that surrounds it.

In order to validate their religious faith in the equality of all cultures, it is necessary for the liberal to bring Western culture down… way, way down. They do this by nurturing a belief that Western culture is inherently evil. Since most liberals begin wrestling with the obvious absurdity of multiculturalism in college, they have no shortage of academics on hand to assist them with developing a critique of Western history that nullifies all of its achievements. Thus, it does not matter that the West ended mankind’s thousands of years of slavery - it only matters that the West had slaves. It does not matter that Western theories of democracy and capitalism brought unprecedented prosperity to every corner of the globe that adopted them - it only matters that some Westerners are very rich, and some are poor. It does not matter that America fought mighty battles against the British Empire or the Axis in the name of liberty - it only matters that America was founded on a pile of dead Indians.

By the time a young liberal escapes from his college professors, he hates the history and traditions of the West… and he hates and despises the only acceptable demon figure presented to him, the white European male. But the liberal does not hate himself - he is filled with pride at his superior insight, his elevated appreciation for every culture except his own, and his induction into the society of enlightened socialists that have designed a perfect future that requires the resources, and obedience, of the West to achieve. He knows what needs to be done to overcome the legacy of oppression, slavery, genocide, and greed that defines Western culture, and he is prepared to do it. Because that makes him noble and virtuous, it makes everyone who disagrees with his beliefs base, mean, vulgar, and stupid.

The only way to atone to the rest of humanity for the West’s dark history is to engineer a just, fair, equitable, compassionate society. America cheated to get where it is today - that’s the only explanation that fits with the sacred belief that all cultures are equal. America stole its land, its riches, and even its science from the other peoples of the world… and the ignorant, racist, greedy rulers of reactionary white America are still cheating and stealing, still oppressing women and minorities, still clutching their ill-gotten wealth and waving guns at the enlightened progressives and their Party. Somewhere, out there, at this very moment, a rich white guy is counting his money, while a poor undocumented immigrant is shopping for his kids in a thrift store, and that’s just not fair.

Since the liberal was assured by his professors that progressive socialism is the only valid form of political expression, everything a reactionary does is presumptively illegitimate. That’s how the people who tried to steal the 2000 election with dangling chads, psychic election officials divining the intention of unpunched ballots, and military votes disqualified by squadrons of oily lawyers can tell you with absolute passion and sincerity that Bush stole the election. That’s how they can declare a tired old fraud like John Kerry was the greatest soldier who ever lived, and his fellow Swift Boat veterans were a pack of paid liars who probably met in Rupert Murdoch’s backyard. That’s how the people who voted for the favorite disciple of a viciously racist church - who racked up 96% of the vote from people who shared his skin color but could not have named one of his policies, legislative achievements, or running mate on a bet - can sneer that a tax protest a quarter-million strong was the equivalent of a coast-to-coast Klan rally. It’s not exactly hypocrisy, because to the liberal, there is no other side: there are the brave progressive heroes of history, and there are the villains. The West has been sentenced to a thousand years of community service for its sins, and political activity that attempts to thwart liberal goals is tantamount to a parole violation.

That is why Janeane Garofaolo hates you: because if she didn’t, she would have to hate herself.

Doctor Zero on April 16, 2009 at 11:20 PM

And this later post from a commenter named Stickeehands...

No Longer Separate, But Far From Equals: The Cruelty of the Democratic Party

In the eyes of the Democratic Party, those people who are labeled as “African Americans” are “special.” They treat an entire race of people as if they are mentally deficient children that are incapable of living as equals among everyone else. Like protective parents that have determined that you are perpetually unprepared to be treated like individuals. You just aren’t ready to be judged on your own creativity, intelligence, determination and efforts. This treatment, by Democratic Party, is height of cruelty.

The Democratic Party, through their treatment of the “group” they refer to as “African Americans” has taken on the role of a repentant abuser. Generations ago there was slavery and they have convinced themselves that they “broke” you and it’s their responsibility to take care of you. They deny you the capacity to think and act as an individual. They have attempted to tie an anchor around your collective necks in an attempt to keep you in perpetual subservience. You are their children and they love you too much to free you.

Special rules must be established just for you. You have to be given special consideration, because you’re not good enough to compete on your own. You are pitied and therefore expectations are lowered for you. They pity you, but they won’t tell you the sad truth. You can’t respect somebody that you pity.

Like “special” children you are treated with kid gloves. You’ve been robbed of your pride, with degrading policies that make sure your achievements are made hollow because of “special treatment.” You work hard to achieve great things, but you have to deal with whispers like “affirmative action” and “quotas.” They rob you of a chance for victory, because they think you can’t win without their help. They take pride in your achievements. Your hard work gives them the same satisfaction as donating to charity. You’re no longer their slaves, but they are exploiting your labor.

To deny your individualism is cruel. To judge you based on just a small part of who you are is cruel. To treat you like a mentally deficient child is cruel. To rob so many people of their personal pride and sense of self determination … it’s the height of cruelty. The Democratic Party pities you. They can’t respect people that they pity.

Stickeehands on April 16, 2009 at 11:43 PM

Bravo! Garafalo and people like her will never understand. They scream racist but are in reality the true ultimate racists... turning their white supremacy into altruism. Just like welfare - that great way to end poverty cooked up by LBJ's "great society" that after over 40 years and $10 trillion has done virtually nothing except create a permanent underclass totally reliant on the government - any minority should be very, very wary when some degenerate like Garofalo wants to "help" them!


Anonymous said...

Garafalo is a pathetic loser. She was never funny or a talented performer plus she is unattractive. How did she ever become a performer with any credibility? What credibility? She has none. She is a low life slime bag who spews empty rhetoric and believes intelligent people will buy it. If "24" continues to have her on their show, we will no longer watch it. She is despicable and has no credibility as an actress.

Anonymous said...

Garafalo is a pathetic loser. She was never funny or a talented performer plus she is unattractive. How did she ever become a performer with any credibility? What credibility? She has none. She is a low life slime bag who spews empty rhetoric and believes intelligent people will buy it. If "24" continues to have her on their show, we will no longer watch it. She is despicable and has no credibility as an actress.

Anonymous said...

WOW, she sure has some anger management issues....

Maybe it's b/c all the women on FOX are hot while Janeane has the face of an English Bull Dog who's been chasing parked cars.... and is stuck on MSNBC....

Sorry, I apologize to all English Bull Dogs everywhere. I didn't mean that horrible insult...